Lolo, MT
$21.1 million
2022 – 2023

A greenfield project, the Lolo K-8 School also houses all Lolo School District functions, making it an entire School District under one roof. The former campus consisted of multiple buildings of varying ages with inadequate and unsafe egress between buildings. In addition to the expanded classroom space, flexible and common educational spaces and two gymnasiums, the building also houses a kitchen, warehouse storage, bus parking, and maintenance facilities. The entire project came it at $29 million which includes the 85,100 square foot building with about 11 acres of the 20-acre site being developed with new parking, drop off and pickup lanes, new utilities and ample green space with new playgrounds. This was a major improvement for Lolo School District as well as for the Lolo community, which has access to much of the common spaces after hours as well as to the new Library which serves as the public library for Lolo.